09 February 2008

Since I left Hollywood and came to New York my brushes with fame have become less frequent. I do not have to deal with celebrities and do their bidding in terms of their food and drink needs. Its actually kind of nice. Although dealing with 5 year olds is not exactly what I had in mind for myself ever. I've become somewhat accustomed to life here. I go to work, I plan, I cook, I eat, I sleep, and recently I've begun going to school again.

This morning I woke up to go to class and my roommate asked what I was up to today. I assumed he was just being friendly since we were both awake and in a close proximity. Then he said Shenek, the former occupant of my room would be coming soon, which is normal, she stops by now and again to hang out. I've met her a few times, she's nice. We talk. She's kind of quirky she loves attractive or wealthy men and talks about encountering them in clubs and bars. She reminds me of Kyle sometimes because of her dislike of ugly people. She isn't quite as mean about it, but just as blunt. My roommate explain by she was coming. Apparently she answered some online survey and was contacted by the Dr. Phil show and they were going to be filming because Shenek does not like ugly people. I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

So I went to class and then had lunch with some classmates. I came back and sure enough the TV crews were here filming. I half expected the entire thing to be a joke. I snooped around and saw all the gear. It was all real, but no Dr. Phil. They are all flying out to LA tomorrow to continue filming, with Dr. Phil.

This is weird. I never expected to ever move to New York, or be a Kindergarten teacher, nor did I ever expect to ever have anything to do with Dr. Phil. Granted, I'm not on the show, or a part of it in any way really, but the apartment that I reside in will have a significant role in this episode. Life is funny, and I don't mean that in any sort of reflective way. It really is just funny. I can't help but laugh.

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