16 October 2007


I went to Atlantic City, my hopes were high, my losses minimal, in comparison to the past, and I left unsatisfied. Not enough free drinks, minimums that are far too high ($25!!!!). Luckily I found an $11 dollar table ($10 plus a mandatory $1 side bet), but when the pit boss said next boot was going to $15 I booked it.

I was yelled at on the train on the way back. I was waiting for the restroom and an elderly couple drinking budweiser and cuddling was nearby. The guy got up to go to the restroom and I told him someone was in there (a mistake I already made) and the woman yelled "excuse me!" from her seat, I looked at her, confused, and she yelled louder "I SAID EXCUSE ME!" I looked to another nearby passenger and shrugged, they went back to cuddling and drinking.

My Cooperating Teacher says "libary."

Someone peed in the hall last week, thankfully I didn't have to deal with it.

Today someone threw up, in the class, gross. I think she made herself the little brat, one girl spit into the trash, the other girl looked in the the trash can and then spewed, and missed the trash can.

I'm going to M.I.A. on Friday, should be fun.

I can't believe I missed this show:

1 comment:

Caleb said...

Dude that is an awesome video....I approve strongly.